End of Season SALE!

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$80.00 USD

Balcarce 725, San Telmo, Buenos Aires - PH (11) 4307-6696

A classic among Buenos Aires tango shows, Taconeando was founded by tango singer Beba Bidart. Bidart was born in Buenos Aires in the 1920s and became an icon of cinema and dance. Her mission in starting Taconeando was to provide a place where dancers and spectators could bond over this beautiful music. Today, the tango venue she founded honors her memory by combining tango classes with the usual dinner and show, and following it all up with open dancing.

Essentially, Taconeando does it all; 14 artists on stage including live orchestra, dancers and singers. The show is a mix of traditional and modern, perfect for those looking to get the full picture of this complex and varied dance. Dancing on a low stage surrounded by the tables, the artists seem within reach, making you feel like you are in one of the dance parlors of old. The food selection is somewhat limited, with a few grilled meats and several pasta dishes making up the main course and a handful of dessert options to follow it up. Unlike many shows that run seven days a week, Taconeando only has shows Thursday thru Sunday. After the show, stay to dance yourself or just keep watching as the floor opens up to the public. If you don't have the time or money to see a full show, consider going to their street performance in Balcarce; the dancing is free to watch and maybe it will convince you to come inside for a visit!

Important: Available only on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. No transfers provided. Guests need to arrive 9pm for dinner and 10.30pm for the show. There is a milonga ballroom afterwards.


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